In partnership with Plymouth University and The Open University

Top Tips for University Interviews

Posted by Somerset College on Dec 18, 2014 12:46:00 PM

Thinking about applying to University this year?

For some, the thought of university interviews can be daunting but they don’t need to be if you are well prepared! Here is our handy guide to help you prepare for a successful degree interview.

1: Preparation is Key

When preparing for an interview take your time, make notes on reasons why you want to study the course and what career options you are considering after graduating.


Have a good look through the university prospectus again and make sure you look at
the entry requirements for the course you are wishing to study.

2: Research and Revise

Re-visit your application and personal statement, as interviewers may ask you to expand on certain aspects. Think of facts you may know about the subject area, read around current affairs in newspapers, and consider experience’s you may have previously had in that industry.

3: Question Time

Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer. Remember this also is a great opportunity for you to find out more about the university and the course.

Create a folder which includes the questions you want to ask, proof of your previous qualifications/results and any predicted grades for courses you are currently studying. Also include any work you have produced that would be relevant (although this is not essential), and a note book and pen so that you can take notes.

4: First Impressions Count

On the day of your interview make sure you dress smartly and arrive on time. Carefully read through any interview letters or material that is sent to you in advance, so you know what time to arrive and where to go. 

Ensure your mobile phone is switched off as there is nothing more embarrassing (and possibly damaging) than it ringing in the middle of an interview! During the interview make sure you are enthusiastic about the course you want to study, engage with the interviewer and maintain positive body language throughout.

Most of all, remember to smile!

Apply Now...

Somerset College are currently accepting university applications for degrees starting in September 2015. 

Our university application process is simple, and can be completed online. Simply click below, select the degree you wish to apply for and hit ‘Apply Online’.


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