In partnership with Plymouth University and The Open University

Media Make-up Making Moves

Posted by Tom Slaiter on Nov 19, 2014 9:52:00 AM


The Media Make-up provision at Somerset College is an exciting and highly
skilled areamedia of the College. Our specialist staff have extensive industry knowledge, and aim to harness the talents of our students to ensure they are ready to progress straight into employment after graduating.

Our teaching staff are complimented by partnerships with a number of leading industry figures, many of whom deliver guest lectures and master class workshops.

Working in Partnership with Make-up Effect Ltd

With over ten year’s first-hand experience as a leading prosthetic make-up artist, Kristyan Mallett created Make-up Effects Ltd. Since then the company has gone on to earn a great reputation in the special effects industry, and has worked on a number of box office hits such as War Horse, Harry Potter and X Men: First Class. The company specialises in everything from concept designs to fake animals and key props.

RebeccaSomerset College have developed a strong partnership with Kristyan Mallet Make-up Effects Ltd, which has resulted in members of his team delivering guest lectures to our students. Keith Wilson, a mould maker and foam latex specialist, who has worked on this year's box office smash Guardians of the Galaxy, recently visited the College to provide expert advice and display some of his work. Our students were able to practise with the moulds and created individual prosthetic pieces for themselves.

The partnership works both ways, and Kristyan’s company now has the pick of future industry talent from our Media Make-up graduates. This has resulted in the recruitment of his first graduate intern from Somerset College in the form of Rebecca O’len (pictured, alongside Kristyan Mallett and an example of her work). 

Students Work on BBC Period Drama

Three of the College’s Media Make-Up students have recently worked
on the BBC's forthcoming adaptation of Wolf Hall, due to be aired in the
new year.


All three students, Katie Jordan, Eloise Abbot and Charlotte Millem, completed the FdA Media Make-up (foundation degree) earlier this year, where they developed skills in a variety of professional techniques.

The students put these skills into practice whilst working on the BBC’s much anticipated period drama, and are now working hard to hone their talents further as they work towards the final BA (Hons) top up year at Somerset College. (Pictured: Elouise Abbot and Charlie Millem showcasing their talents at the United Make-Up Exhibition)

Get in touch...

We're always keen to develop more industry partners, so if you're looking to recruit highly skilled media make-up artists, or may be interested in delivering similar master classes then we'd love to hear from you.

Simply contact the Media Make-up team on 01823 366 504 /

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