In partnership with Plymouth University and The Open University

Degrees in Health & Social Care

Posted by Somerset College on Nov 27, 2014 9:39:34 AM

Graduate secures management position

Fran Bradshaw
Studied; Pre-degree Access Diploma / FdA Health and Social Care Studies / BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Management

Fran1Initially I wanted to work in social work, but the more I worked in care, the more I realised I’m an idealist and wanted fewer restraints in order to make a real difference.

Somerset College is close to home and the course is linked to Plymouth University, so it made sense to study locally. I’d been into the College for evening classes so it felt familiar and also has very impressive resources.

The timetable allowed me to study and hold down two part-time jobs in the care sector. This was very demanding but complimented my practise with knowledge – questioning, evaluating and undertaking research. I secured the post of Care Manager at Home Instead as a direct result of studying at the College. Home Instead matches my passion and ethos of providing high-quality care for elderly and vulnerable people in their own homes, or others with illnesses or conditions.

My advice to others thinking about studying at Somerset College is to take a look at the incredible facilities and don’t hesitate. The support network is outstanding - not just the tutors, the support staff as well. They’ll help you navigate your way through the hundreds of books and electronic resources, and hold your hand when tackling IT.

I’ve made many long lasting friendships and graduated with a relevant, high quality degree that helped me land a job I really love.

Apply Online Now for 2015 / 16

We are now accepting 2015 / 16 applications for both the FdA Health & Social Care Studies and the BSc (Hons) Health & Social Care Management. Simply click the relevant button below to apply online today.

FdA Health and Social Care Studies BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Management


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